1930 -
foundation of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of
Agriculture (ChIMEA)
1938 -
opening of the post-graduate course
1946 -
opening of the Extra-mural Faculty
1961 -
foundation of training-experimental farm (with elite seed-growing and developed
milk and potato production) as a base for students practice, for scientific
investigations and for inculcation of management methods in agricultural economy.
1966 -
opening of the Qualification Improvement Faculty as a regional training centre
of qualification improvement of agricultural specialists.
1980 -
rewarding the Institute by the Order of the Red Banner for the rendered great
services in training of the high-qualified specialists and development of
agricultural science.
1990 -
reformation of the ChIMEA into the Agroengineering University of Chelyabinsk
as a large region training and scientific-production complex with additional
attachment of the following establishments into its structure:
- Ural Methodical Centre on Farmer Training and Service Providing;
- Higher Agricultural College (based on agricultural technical school);
- Qualification Improvement Institute of Different Branches of Agriculture;
- Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture;
1993 -
Federal attestation of the Agroengineering University on all specialities of
students training.