Included here is a comprehensive list of all issues of the TongueBath and TOT: Tot of TongueBath.
TongueBath #1 August 1993 The Special Collector's Edition 50 pennies + 4 32¢ stamps
Born out of sheer boredom and due to the fact that palatable and viable college radio had died in Baltimore, MD. 20 pages of 8.5" x 5.5" with a color cover of the TongueBath Kitty, insides include an interrogation(interview) with Natz of Cop Shoot Cop. Cover art by Fallopier Tuber and Fred Collins. Circulation - 2,500+.
TongueBath #2 September 1993 2 bucks + 4 32¢ stamps
20 pages of 8.5" x 5.5" which sports the colorized TongueBath gerl and boy dogs on the cover, ints. with Girls Against Boys and Yellowman on the inside. Cover art by Craig Stinchcomb and Fred Collins. Circulation - 2,500+.
TongueBath #3 October 1993 150 beans + 4 32¢ stamps
22 pages of 8.5" x 5.5" with a color cover of GodDamn Tex's sister being slobbered on by her pooch on the front, and Stiv Bator's lighting up one of his squeezes on the rear cover; optional $1.00 issue sporting a black and white cover of lil' Billy Corsello of the Stress Magnets showing off his See Food pose. Ints. with Archer's of Loaf, Gas Huffer, Zeni Geva. Cover art by GodDamn Tex and Fred Collins. Circulation - 2,500+.
TongueBath #4 Sometime in 1997 - The Better Late Than Never Issue $1.50 + 5 32¢ stamps
80+ pages of 6 5/8" x 10 3/16" (comix book sizing)that still has yet to be sent to the printers. This incredibly dated issue features ints. with the Clusterfuck `93 Bands, KMFDM, The Offspring, Pegboy, SNFU, Spongehead. Cover art by Curtis Bay and Kim_gerlY. Circulation - (Anticipate a minimum of) 1,000+.
TongueBath #5 Summer 1994 1 dolla & 50 cent + 5 32¢ stamps
50 pages of 8.5" x 11" of phatness with a color cover that incudes ints. with Cows, John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants, Killdozer, 7 Year Bitch, and Zipgun. Cover art by Kim_gerly and GodDamn Tex. Circulation - 2,500+.
TongueBath #6 Summer 1997 published in electronic format only.
1-Liner Ints./Interrogations with Warped Tour 1997 Bands Tha Alkaholiks and Salmon, and Effluvia covers a `90s Hip-Hop/Rap Retrospective. Cover art by Curtis Bay and Kim_gerly.
At this point in history, having been continuously barraged with an ever-increasing deluge of music from music labels to review, and because I was playing the day-gig as a computer geek (whilst attending grad school at nite), it was decided that in order for me and the TongueBathers to adhere to our journalistic responsibilities...something would have to give. Therefore, an abbreviated format of the TongueBath evolved in the format of a newsletter, (boasting one-liners...or thereabouts) so that music could be reviewed, and reviews be dispatched to the music labels in a more timely fashion. This format is known as the TOT: Tot of TongueBath. Below is a continuation....
TOT #1 September 1995 Free + SASE
2 pages of music reviews jam-packed with ads from Sonic Bubblegum, Estrus, Wheelchair Full of Old Men, Epitaph, Nitro, Interscope. Circulation - 2,000+.
TOT #2 November 1995 Free + SASE
3 pages of music reviews standing room only for ads from the likes of Burping Turds, Zine Zone, Deadly Verity, Earache, Trauma Room, Nitro, Reprise, Warner Bros., Epitaph, Nut Music, Fresh Baked Records, Sockeye. Circulation - 2,000+
TOT #3 March 1996 Free + SASE
3 pages of music reviews fit to bust with ads from Dischord, Axhandle, Kwality Records, Noel the Coward, Reptilian Records, Nonsequitur, Flipside. Circulation - 2,000+.
TOT #4 July 1996 Free + SASE
2 pages of music reviews, skwquished around ads from Nonsequitur, Red Decibel, La Déviation Totale, Flipside, Epitaph, Capitol. Circulation - 2,000+.
TOT #5 November 1996 Free + SASE
2 pages with music reviews abound, advertising from Epitaph and Lookout! Circulation - 2,000+.
TOT #6 March 1997 Free + SASE (you'll need to slap 2 32¢ stamps on this fatty)
Butt-loads of music reviews, and ads from Lucky Garage, Epitaph, and Young Gotti Records. Circulation - (I anticipate) 2,000+
TOT #7 December 1997 - no printed rag this time out...go check out the electronic version.
Features 1997's Top 12 Picks of the Year, and the ever so tardy 1996's Top 15 Picks of the Year.
FYI: subsequent issues of this rag could appear in either printed format; the full-fledged TongueBath, or newsletter TOT. For hardcopies of back-issues of the TOT, send SASE to POB 30755 Oakland, CA 94604. (Be sure to send adequate postage for multiple copies.) Sorry, no back-issues of the TongueBath are available. BUT, all back-issues of the TOT and TongueBath will be launched on this site when I can get around to, stay tuned.