Doctors of sciences
- Vasily V. BLEDNYKH
doctor of technology, professor, rector of the University, 57 years old,
specialist in agricultural mechanical engineering, economics and
informatics; member of three councils of thesis defending, and leads
two of them; working with 5 post-graduate students, one doctorship
student and one competitor for degree.
doctor of history, professor, 74 years old.
- Valentin I. VINOGRADOV
doctor of technology, professor, 79 years old, specialist in
exploitation of agricultural machines.
doctor of agricultural science, professor, 57 years old, specialist in
farming, talkes part in two councils on thesis defenging; working with
two post-graduate students and one competitor for degree.
doctor of technology, professor, 56 years old, specialist in electronic-
ionic technology; takes part in one council on thesis defending; working
with one post-graduate student.
- Arcady P. DOROKHOV
doctor of technology, professor, 60 years old, specialist in
technologies and technical means of potato production, takes part in
two councils on thesis defending; working with two post-graduate
- Vladimir D.SAKLAKOV
doctor of technology, professor, 57 years old, specialist in machine
exploitation, takes part in two councils on thesis defending, in first
of which takes post of deputy chairman and post of scientific secretary
in the second; working with one post-graduate student.
doctor of technology, professor, 74 years old, specialist in machine
reliability, takes part in two councils on thesis defending in one of
which takes post of deputy chairman; working with two post-graduate
- Gennady S. IGNATIEV
doctor of technology, professor, 58 years old, specialist in organization
and technology of machine repairs, takes post of chairman in one council
on thesis defending; working with four post-graduate students and one
doctorship student.
- Felix Ya. IZAKOV
doctor of technology, professor, 66 years old, specialist in technologies
of extra-high frequencies, takes post of deputy chairman in one council
on thesis defending; working with two post-graduate students.
- Ramazan Kh. YUSUPOV
doctor of technology, 46 years old, specialist in automation of
agricultural production processes.
- Vladimir T. BLAGIKH
doctor of technology, professor, 71 years old, specialist in
non-traditional power sources; takes part in one council on thesis
doctor of technolody, professor, 65 years old, specialist in
technology of metals, takes part in one council on thesis defending;
working with one post-graduate student.
doctor of technology, professor, 62 years old, specialist in
mathematical modelling of technical systems state; takes part in two
councils on thesis defendig.
- Michail V. AVDEEV
doctor of technology, professor, 60 years old, specialist in technology
of machine repairs; takes part in two councils on thesis defending.
- Boris P. KUTEPOV
doctor of technology, professor, 62 years old, specialist in harvesting
of cereals, takes part in two councils on thesis defending; working with
one competitor for degree.
- Nikolay I. KOSILOV
doctor of technology, professor, 58 years old, specialist in harvesting
and past-harvesting processing of cereals, takes part in two councils on
thesis defending; working with one post-graduate student and one
cometitor for degree.
- Yuri V. PANUS
doctor of economy, professor, 64 years old, specialist in economy and
organization of agricultural production, takes part in two councils on
thesis defending; leads the work of six post-graduate students and one
competitor for degree.
- Vitaly A. ZHILKIN
doctor of technology, professor, 55 years old, specialist in strength
of materials, takes part in two councils on thesis defending in one of
which takes post of deputy chairman; working with two post-graduate
- Vyacheslav I. SURKIN
doctor of technology, professor, specialist in design and exploitation
of tractor motors, takes part in two councils on thesis defending;
working with three post-graduate students.
doctor of technology, profesor, 53 years old, specialist in agricultural
machine building, takes part in three councils on thesis defending;
working with two post-graduate students.
- Pavel M. MIRONOV
doctor of economy, professor, 55 years old, specialist in economical
theory, leads work of four post-graduate students.
doctor of technology, professor, 54 years old, specialist in
informatics and technical means of ecological safety, takes part in
a council on thesis defending.
- Alexander G. VOZMILOV
doctor of technology, professor, 50 years old, specialist in air
purification by electrical methods, takes part in a council on thesis
defending; leads work of three post-graduate students.
- Vladislav N. DANILOV
doctor of technology, professor, 56 years old, specialist in reliability
of electrical systems, takes part in a council on thesis defending;
working with one post-graduate student.
- Vladimir A. KOROVIN
doctor of technology, 43 years old, specialist in automatic control
systems of tractors.
- Leonid A. BARANOV
doctor of technology, senior science worker, specialist in technologies
of electrical engineering.
doctor of techology, senior lecturer, 58 years old, specialist in
engine diagnostics.
doctor of technology, senior lecturer, 49 years old, specialist in
automatic control of cereals processing systems.
- Alexaner N. POPOV
doctor of economy, professor, 46 years old, specialist in economical
- Boris M. POZIN
doctor of technology, professor, 60 years old, specialist in
tractor bulding, takes part in a council on thesis defending; working
with one competitor for a degree.
- Georgy I. PETUKHOV
doctor of technology, professor, specialist in organization of
agricultural production.
doctor of technology, professor, senior lecturer, 41 years old,
specialist in processing of agricultural products.