
The capital of the Southern Ural

Internet guide

FREEnet center

Science and Education

Record Library

Finished projects

Local search

Regional center FREEnet

Networking Service
World Wide Web

HTTP protocol
Web/E-mail gateway: mailgate@urc.ac.ru
      (for urc.ac.ru, susu.ac.ru, ccn.org.ru, campus.net.ru and schel.ac.ru local domains only)

Main web sites:
The main list of developed and/or maintained sites is on this page.

URC Logo
The City WebThe City Web
CSC LogoThe Chelyabinsk Scientific Center

Cvsup-сервер FreeBSD

- source tree and collections of FreeBSD ports (cvs-all)
- FreeBSD web site (www.freebsd.org) (www)
- archives of FreeBSD mailing lists (mail-archive)
- bug reports (gnats)

File archives: anonymous FTP archives

FTP protocol: ftp://ftp.urc.ac.ru/
FTP/E-mail gateway: mailgate@urc.ac.ru
      (for urc.ac.ru and susu.ac.ru, ccn.org.ru, campus.net.ru and schel.ac.ru local domains only)
Administrator: ftpkeeper@urc.ac.ru


NNTP protocol: news.urc.ac.ru:nntp
News/E-mail gateway: newsserv@urc.ac.ru
      (for urc.ac.ru and susu.ac.ru, ccn.org.ru, campus.net.ru and schel.ac.ru local domains only)
Technical support: newsmaster@urc.ac.ru

Mailing lists

dist-edu, edu-adm, iatp, netadm, online-users, uucp-users and
admin-l, grants, info, tech-l

To receive the help file send message with HELP command in the body to e-mail addresses:
majordomo@urc.ac.ru and majordomo@susu.ac.rurespectively.

Audio and video streams via Internet

Stream technologies of a company Real, Microsoft Media.
Technical support:sadmin@urc.ac.ru

Dial-up modem pool

PPP connection
E-mail via UUCP with WWW, FTP and USENET news news gateways that are available for users having urc.ac.ru, susu.ac.ru ccn.org.ru, campus.net.ru and schel.ac.ru domain names. Administrator:postmaster@urc.ac.ru

The Division of WAN technologies provides also for a local net functioning of University and connects it to the Internet. Look: a statute of information-calculating network of South Ural State University.